Course: Introduction to coffee roasting in Sydney


Topics covered in this course include;

  1. Green coffee overview & selection
  2. Testing the moisture content of green coffee beans
  3. The coffee roasting process explained
  4. Constructing the Roasting Profile
  5. Genesis of the first coffee roasting batch
  6. Accurately test the roasted coffee
  7. Taste my roasted coffee
  8. Tuning roasting parameters for the next batch


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Topics covered in this course include;

  1. The coffee roasting process explained – learn Fresh Air Roasting one coffee bean at a time
  2. Constructing the Roasting Profile – with the elegant simplicity of Chinook’s coffee roasting profiles
  3. Green coffee overview & selection – evaluating Arabica, Robusta, location, altitude, etc.
  4. Testing the moisture content of green coffee beans – to understand what we’re roasting
  5. Genesis of the first coffee roasting batch – see how the first batch can taste great
  6. Accurately test the roasted coffee – with a special light meter
  7. Taste my roasted coffee – the best coffee is the coffee you like the best
  8. Tuning roasting parameters for the next batch – Digital measurement provides coffee roasting control and consistency
  9. Update my CV – I’m now a coffee roaster
Piccolo Chinook Fresh Air 4Kg coffee roaster
In this coffee roasting course, you will:

  • learn to roast coffee
  • Have your choice of our many single-origin specialty-grade coffees
  • Next, learn how to roast coffee using the Chinook computer-controlled fresh-air coffee roaster
  • Finally, analyse your roasted coffee results using our near-infrared coffee roast analyser
  • Then, take your coffee home and enjoy
  • A record of your coffee roasting process will allow you to return and roast another batch with identical results
  • Or you can easily roast the coffee a little darker or lighter by varying the digital recipe.

Course typically will go for 2+ hours, start time as indicated.